Why would anyone be interested in the Atikokan Bass Classic if they weren’t competing in it?
Another angler thought the same thing, but then he keyed “www.atikokanbassclassic.ca” into his laptop. “Five bass with a net weight of 23 and a half pounds! Why…why that’s…almost five pounds a fish” he exclaimed.
Then he scrolled up and almost fell out of his chair when he saw: Big Bass Day 2 – 6 lbs 6 ozs. “In northwestern Ontario!” he guffawed, spraying coffee all over the screen.
Then he thought about it some more and said, “No way – bass don’t get that big in Sunset Country, let alone Canada or—dare I say it, the U. S. of A!”
He hollered to his wife in the kitchen, “Honey – cancel our trip to the Amazon for Peacock Bass. We’re now going to A-ti-ko-can for giant smallies.”
“Why’s that?” she called back.
No answer. “Honey?” she called again.
Nothing. Mildly perturbed, she went into his Man’s Den and found him drooling from the mouth staring trance-like into the screen. “Are you OK?” she asked, getting a bit worried.
Then she looked at his screen. 7 lb plus small mouth bass are landed every year… She sank into the couch beside him. Needless to say, the Amazon trip was cancelled.
Atikokan is on the doorstep of one of Ontario’s most traditional wilderness areas, as Quetico Provincial Park stands among the best for its beauty and its ruggedness. We’re only too happy to have you here, whether it’s for a day, for a week, or a lifetime. We are the Canoeing Capital of Canada. We are the Gateway to Quetico Provincial Park. We are Naturally Wild.